Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lovely vacation - My sixth month

I can speak lot about this month.... Many many memorable things happened this month...
- I visited my GrandPa's(Paternal) place. That is a lovely place with lot of greenery and I thorougly enjoyed my morning and evening walks. And ofcourse, I am so excited to see the environment around there.
- I visted our Lord - Father, Sri Rama (It is Sri Rama Chandra swamy temple at Bhadrachalam) along with my Grandpa and parents. It is first time for me & my mom as well... so both of us are so much excited to see the place and especially God.
- Annaprasana (small ceremony to introduce solid foods to me) is celebrated. My grandpa made me eat sweet payasam and i seem to have liked it.
- Hey... do you know one thing... I was offered many things, and I had to choose one of them...book, pen, knife, money, geetha, flowers, food, ball, bat etc. Do you know what I chose... Money. It is exactly opposite of my parents expectations... my father expected me to take a bat or ball and mom expected me to take a pen or book. Anyways... the interpretation of taking money is that.. I will likely become a business man...(and less of studies :-) )
- My grandpa gifted me lot of toys, walker and also dresses. We returned from there with a heavy heart....
- My mom joined the office again... Initially it was so difficult for me and I won't have bottle milk all the day... and I will be waiting for my mom. But slowly I adjusted and started having milk from bottle. And ofcourse I started to have Vuggu (a mixture rice and dal) and also cerelac (Rice + Milk).
- I spend all the day playing with my Grand ma. She treats me like a little prince :-), and ofcourse she likes me a lot.
- Another small ceremony celebrated is "Bhogi Pallu". In this, many blessed me by pouring a mixture on my head. The mixture contains small fuirts + sugar cane pieces + coins + chacolates + rice etc. I enjoyed it thoroughly by keep on smiling through out the ceremony.

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