Monday, February 15, 2010

Rolling over and over - My Fifth month

Yeah... Now I know how to roll over easily and I roll over and over.... I have changed lot of my habits this month, read them down...
- I made my mom & dad to take many night outs... I sleep all the day and wake up all the night...
- I like switches, calendar, TV and any guests who come to visit me. Fan stopped interesting me these days...
- I always need some one to be with me always...

- I do not like silent people... I need someone to speak with me continuously with smile... It is a pre-requisite for anyone who want to take me into their hands
- I started enjoying the evening walks in the park. I love kids playing around...
- I keep hitting my mom with my hands while I have milk.
- For some hours I want to roll over and play... and I hate staying in anyone's arms. And for the rest of the time... I need someone to hold me in their hands and show me all the things around me.
- I want to go forward from the roll over position.. but I do not know how to do that.. and so I will move my body like a fish, as if I wated to swim. And so, I am called as "little fish" in this month.

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